Competition Handicaps
All players must have a Competition Handicap to be able to win a Club Competition or to enter any Club Knockout Competition. Any Member who submitted at least 3 Qualifying Scores in Club Competitions during 2017 has a Competition Handicap for 2018 ( designated by the letter 'c' after their name on the Handicap List ).
To maintain a Competition Handicap a player must submit, at least, 3 Qualifying Scores from Club Competitions for each playing season ( scores cannot be carried over from one season to the next ).
NB. A player may not win a competition from their own club or any other club without a Competition Handicap.
To regain a Competition Handicap a player must submit a total of 3 Qualifying Scores from Club Competitions (which they cannot win) or 3 Supplementary Scores, or a combination of both to a total of 3.
Supplementary Scores
*Supplementary Scores may only be returned at a players Home Club.
* A Supplementary Score must be played over a Measured Course under Competition Play Conditions. The format may be Stroke Play (Medal) or Stableford and the Score must be returned over 18 holes.
* Players must signify their intention of returning a Supplementary Score prior to starting the round by signing in on the computer screen in the Professional's Shop, and play from the Yellow Tees. Their card must be marked by a Member who holds a current Competition Handicap.
* CONGU have relaxed the previous rules to allow an unlimited number of supplementary score submissions per year by removing the restriction of one per week . However the restriction on Category 1 players will remain in place.
* All scores returned will be subject to handicap adjustment based on the SSS of the measured course and therefore only apply when all Yellow Tees are in play.
* A Player in Category 1 with a 'Non-Competition' handicap on the 1st March may return up to a maximum of 3 Supplementary Scores to regain a Competition handicap.
* A player in Category 1 with a Competition handicap on the 1st March may not return any Supplementary Scores until September 1st and then only as many as required up to a maximum of 3 in order to retain a Competition handicap
M Barker
Match Secretary (February 2018)