Gentlemen – A reminder:- All members, other than Category 1 players, may now submit Supplementary Scores which count towards you Handicap. Both 9 Hole and 18 Hole cards are acceptable and, along with ‘Competition’ cards, must total at least 54 holes in any year to maintain a ‘Competition Handicap’. i.e. 2x9 + 2x18 / 3x18 / 6x9 / 1x18 + 4x9.

The procedure is as follows:- You declare your intention with the Pro’s Shop before commencing play – You play from the Yellow Tees and your card must be marked by a Player who has a Competition Handicap, and you play under ‘Competition Conditions’ - i.e. you cannot take advice or receive coaching during play.

On completion, your card (whether good or bad), must be submitted. NB- It is your responsibility to ensure that you inform the Pro’s Shop, or the Match Secretary, of your score, especially if you suspect it will mean a change to your Handicap, and this must be done before you enter a later Competition. Otherwise you may then be playing off a wrong Handicap which may well result in disqualification.

It is YOUR responsibility to reduce your own Handicap if you score below Par, but you may not increase your own Handicap if you score above Par.

All of the above is in place to assist members in retaining a ‘Competition Handicap’ if they are unable to play in the required number of Club Competitions.

If you require further information ASK!

M Barker (Match Secretary)


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