An amazing 171 players supported the President Alan Whitfield for the biggest event he is likely to host in his year of office. Up for grabs in terms of prizes were the main President's Prize (off 18 handicap); three prizes per division (4 divisions) and a host of others, including nearest the pin on three holes, and nearest the pin in two on the 17th.
Out in front to pick up the main prize, and get his name on the 'honours' boards was Nicholas Bowcock, a new member who came from JCB via our academy. He shot a brilliant 41 points off 11 handicap. In the first 14 holes he scored 10 x 4's, 3 x 3's and a 'no score'! Very consistent indeed.
Divisional Winners:
1st Division-Dan Smart-38 points (back 9 of 21); Dave Gallimore-38 points (back 9 of 18) & Lincoln Boulton 37 points
2nd Division-Matt Lancaster-40 points; Mark Rushton-39 points (back 9 of 18 back 6 of 13) & Stephen Hunt-39 points (back 9 of 18 back 6 of 12)
3rd Division-Mick Andrews-39 points; Roy Morris-38 points (back 9 of 20) & Anthony Mapledoram-38 points (back 9 of 19)
4th Division-Leon Bagguley-32 points; Geoff Foden-31 points (back 9 of 16) & Peter Palfreyman-31 points (back 9 of 13)
NEAREST THE PINS 4th-Tony Brearley; 7th-Mick Andrews: 11th-Jim Cumberbatch; Nearest 17 in 2-Jordan Weaver
There were 14 x two's including a brace each from Tom Nadin, James Cowburn and Phill Davies-well done to them.
CSS was 71
A big 'thank you' must be expressed to our President Alan Whitfield for his immense generosity and goodwill expressed on the day. The ladies who assisted in the Millenium Pavilion are also thanked for their help in keeping the players refreshed.
I would personally like to thank Stewart Townsend for his two hours' help at the crucial time before presentation, to check and validate all the cards with me. Such a big day neccessitates this kind of support.
As usual, please go to '' to check full details of this event.
Andrew Baxter
Match & Handicap Secretary